Tag Archives: VoxMobile

If and when you lose your iPhone

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James Duncan Davidson lists a few requests addressed to AT&T in case you lose your iPhone. His remarks are not only valid for AT&T, but for any provider selling the iPhone. Apple should listen in too.


Now that I’ve experienced the joy of losing my phone and dealing with telephony in a world without it, however temporary the experience may be, I’ve made a list of a few things that any self-respecting telephony site, such as the AT&T Wireless account portal, should have. After all, my iPhone is a slice of the future. The website gateway to my wireless account should at least catch up to what is possible in 2008…

[From AT&T Wireless Feature Requests]


I haven’t lost mine (yet) but I do hope that VoxMobile has an appropriate customer service in case it happens.

Vox network coverage for the iPhone in Luxembourg

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I sent the following (12 Nov 2008) to Vox’s customer service because quite frankly, their network coverage is not in the same league as their prices:


Après avoir utilisé l’iPhone un peu plus qu’un mois, je me sens obligé de vous faire part de mon mécontentement de votre service.

La connexion data
D’abord, la connexion est souvent perdue même lorsqu’on se promène en pleine ville (Luxembourg).

Deuxièmement, la connexion, même à Luxembourg-ville, n’est souvent pas du tout 3 G. En dehors de la ville, je capte rarement la connexion en 3G.

Troisièmement, si je suis dans une voiture en dehors de la ville de Luxembourg, je n’arrive pas à voir une connexion data.

Connexion téléphonique
Ceci est le problème le plus grave. Au bureau (au Kirchberg), je ne suis plutôt pas joignable, car le signal est trop pauvre.

J’espère que vous allez procéder à une amélioration de ces défaillances rapidement, car le tarif mensuel ne correspond pas du tout au niveau de votre service.

Votre service clients
Pourriez-vous mettre la musique ou bien le silence après avoir signalé qu’aucun correspondant n’est disponible pour l’instant? En plus, il n’est pas normal de couper la connexion lorsqu’on est en attente…

Dans l’attente d’une amélioration rapide des points soulévés,”

Today (16 November 2008) I still haven’t received a reply.

Since sending the e-mail, I have also experienced dropped calls due to loss of connection with the network (no service displayed in the top left corner on iPhone).

Really sad, that Vox isn’t up to the task. And yes, the whole selective voicemail thing showed off by Jobs in the Macworld 2007 keynote is not installed on Vox’s servers either…

Vox’s clients are paying top dollar for a mediocre service…

[End of rant]

iPhone launch in Luxembourg: 26 September 2008

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Just received the news. Vox will have a launch party going on at their shop in Luxembourg City.

140 iPhones up for grabs. So youngsters, line up tonight if you want to be one of the first. No word on the data plan matrix yet, but I hope for Vox that it will be an attractive one. Otherwise I will stay on the fence for the time being, as I’m not a client.

From their e-mail:

140 additional iPhone3G’s are in stock !
In addition to the ones we blocked for the first 10 people, we have an extra stock of 140 phones that can be purchased during our launch party. As the demand is very high, we suggest you to be there on time to be sure to buy one on that evening.

Where and When ?
We welcome you as of 4 pm at our VOX shop in Luxembourg City, 1-5 rue Marché-aux-Herbes. Doors will be open from 6.00 pm til 9.00 pm.

Please bring your identity card and bank details with you.

We wish you a lot of fun during our launch party!

I won’t be joining the frenzy, but have fun :-)