Category Archives: Web/Tech

URL redirects open scareware loophole at major sites

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So the spammers seems to have another possibility to infest Windows pcs:

URL redirect notifications are often meant to serve as security measures, but at least one malware blackhat is exploiting these services and redirecting site visitors from the website they think they are about to visit to a spyware-infested haven. That’s bad enough on its own, but the as-yet-unknown assailant has also used search engine optimizations to push the polluted redirectors higher in Google’s search rankings.
[From ArsTechnica – URL redirects open scareware loophole at major sites]

I see the potential for having problems when a PC user visits his friends’ MySpace, Facebook or similar pages, where there’s a high traffic volumen and he might not except to be in danger…

Once again, Mac users seems to have less reason to be concerned as any installation of whatsoever that modifies the system installation as such, is always confirmed by the user.

MobileMe is not working here in Luxembourg

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All day has been a mess regarding my .mac e-mail account. As most of the population will know, we are approaching the launch of the iPhone 3G rapidly. The App Store via iTunes is online (and is looking very nice, very nice indeed) and iTunes has been updated and the update was available here as well.
However, the address has been unreachable since this morning, thus making it impossible to check any e-mail via a web browser. It was supposed to last six hours, but here there is nothing in working order… The new address doesnt work either ( It is just showing the feature page at Apple regarding the MobileMe package.
So currently Mail seems to be retrieving all mails on the server, Growl is misbehaving after the install of MobileMe (which by the way still is not available in Software Update).
The MobileMe preference pane is not working:

Not very Apple-like to put their customers in this position…

UPDATE: seems to be responding albeit slowly… Hopefully Apple will have it sorted quickly. The massive impact of the millions of iPhones coming online tomorrow has not kicked in yet…

Plazes beta

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Plazes just released a preview beta of the new Plazes. Holy c… Here’s a view of Plazes around Luxembourg city:


I’m just discovering everything, but it looks really impressive. List of the plazes you have visited and the duration of your stay (time online there I suppose).

[composed and posted with ecto]

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Firefox surpasses 20% market share in Europe

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For once we are ahead Smile

Firefox dépasse les 20 % de part de marché en Europe:

Selon Xiti, une entreprise de mesure et d’analyse de l’audience des sites Web, Firefox vient de dépasser les 20 % de part de marché sur le vieux continent. La France se situe un peu en dessous de cette moyenne avec 18 % alors que la Finlande, la Slovénie et l’Allemagne ont passé la barre des 30 %…
Pour finir, une pré-version de Firefox est disponible pour les Macs Intel sur le blog d’un des principaux développeurs Mac de Firefox. Attention, ce n’est pas une version universelle mais uniquement Intel.

Download Firefox 1.5 for Mac Intel only


[composed and posted with ecto]

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