Category Archives: Weblogs

ecto 2.2

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New version is out. Scripts are now well integrated into the app, should you wish to expand your blogging experience in that direction! So far all I did was to translate the “Posted with ecto” script into Danish to use on my Danish blog, but the possibilities are virtually endless.

[composed and posted with ecto]

Bloggers withour Border launched

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Jonas has launched Bloggers without Borders. From the site:

Bloggers without Borders is a citizen journalism hub, dedictated to raising consicence for, and about, events around the world. We use the tools and exposure of modern citizen journalism as a means to lend a hand in the creation of awareness and outbound information management.

So join in. You can also donate to the Tsunami relief funds via the web site.

More ecto

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The latest build of ecto. Look at the homepage for “Latest build” will give you an opportunity to call all sorts of scripts (AppleScript, python, Ruby etc.) from ecto. Of course the input would be some kind of text, but that is want you want in this application right Smile? The sentence below to the right “composed and posted with…” is inserted via an AppleScript.

[composed and posted with ecto]

Kirkville – Musings, Opinion and Miscellanea by Kirk McElhearn

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Check out Kirkville! It looks very promising. Kirkville – Musings, Opinion and Miscellanea by Kirk McElhearn:

Welcome to Kirkville!

Welcome, oh wanderer of the web, to Kirkville, my new blog and website. Have a look around – you’ll find articles, news and opinions on Apple computers, Mac OS X, the iPod, using the command line, books, music and much more.

I have been reading Kirk’s articles in Tidbits and they have always been very informative and useful. Hopefully Kirkville will become a point of reference for more Mac News Smile


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I’ve had my Flickr account for a while now, but haven’t really used it yet. Maybe it’s me, by the moblogging at Typepad doesn’t really work for me. So I will be using the Flickr from now on. I have downloaded the Uploadr for Mac OSX, although I probably will use it mostly with my phone. As you can see, I’ve put the badge on the blog to the right as well Smile

Update: Flickr is not reliable at the moment, so I deleted the link to the right for now. Could be a week-end thing Smile