Category Archives: Video

How NBC Made the Real Apple TV

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NBC out of iTunes might not be a bad thing…

Emmons nails it:

NBC will have, in essence, forced Apple to evolve new seamless ways to timeshift or rip NBC content so as to be consumed by Apple devices. Oh, and because this content won’t be downloaded from iTunes anymore, it will be completely unencumbered by DRM. NBC will have ensured that, In the digital world, all their content will be easily copyable. The opposite of what they set out to accomplish, I believe. But we’ll get a better Apple TV out of it, so I see no reason to complain.

So instead of complaining – rejoice. Apple will modify the Apple TV? This might be possible. In any case, only the States and to a lesser degree the Brits are concerned, as they are the only ones with the possibility to buy episodes of TV series on the planet in iTunes Store.

The new lineup of iPods with video capabilities in all models except the shuffle, should put pressure on Apple to provide more video content to the rest of the world as well… We shall see…

From MacBidouille: How to achieve better video resolution in Skype

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MacBidouille is a French site, so for the English speakers:

You need at least version of Skype and obviuosly a good upload speed on your connection.

Open the file “config.xml” in ~/Library/Application Support/Skype/yourskypename/

<Device>Built-in iSight</Device>

<Device>Built-in iSight</Device>

That’s it. I haven’t tried this, but let me know of your experiences.

Augmenter la résolution des vidéos de Skype:

Merci à Baptiste d’avoir attiré notre attention sur une note des développeurs de Skype expliquant comment utiliser la pleine résolution des iSight (640×480) sur le logiciel initialement verrouillé en 320*240.

Pour commencer, il faut au moins avoir la version

Allez ensuite éditer le fichier “config.xml” qui se trouve dans ~/Bibliothèque/Application Support/Skype/votrenomskype/

Remplacez ensuite le champ:


<Device>Built-in iSight</Device>






<Device>Built-in iSight</Device>


Sauvegardez et relancez l’application pour en profiter. Il faut bien entendu avoir une connexion Internet assez rapide en voie montante (upload) pour que votre vis à vis bénéficie au mieux de votre image en résolution supérieure.

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Tutorial for video between Mac and PC

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Video conference tutorial for mac pc using iChat and AIM over firewire – how to ichat setup and firewall port settings:

Video conferencing is easy to use once it is set up correctly. With the right equipment video and audio quality are surprisingly good. This video conferencing tutorial will show you how to set up iChat AV and AIM 5.9 to allow you to audio or video conference with an Mac or PC.

Excellent tutorial from MVL Design. All about setting up a properly working connection between Mac and PC. If you are likely to communicate cross platform via video, you should check out this guide.

[composed and posted with ecto]

Storage solution

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So I have started my video editing for real. Quite quickly I run out of disk space. What should I do? WHat are the best solutions? I plan on archiving my old analog tapes at some point as well.

FW disks en masse? RAIDS? What are your suggestions?

[composed and posted with ecto]