Category Archives: Software

MobileMe is not working here in Luxembourg

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All day has been a mess regarding my .mac e-mail account. As most of the population will know, we are approaching the launch of the iPhone 3G rapidly. The App Store via iTunes is online (and is looking very nice, very nice indeed) and iTunes has been updated and the update was available here as well.
However, the address has been unreachable since this morning, thus making it impossible to check any e-mail via a web browser. It was supposed to last six hours, but here there is nothing in working order… The new address doesnt work either ( It is just showing the feature page at Apple regarding the MobileMe package.
So currently Mail seems to be retrieving all mails on the server, Growl is misbehaving after the install of MobileMe (which by the way still is not available in Software Update).
The MobileMe preference pane is not working:

Not very Apple-like to put their customers in this position…

UPDATE: seems to be responding albeit slowly… Hopefully Apple will have it sorted quickly. The massive impact of the millions of iPhones coming online tomorrow has not kicked in yet…