Category Archives: Photos

Aperture 3 and Olympus XZ-1 – FCP and FCE

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I have had the Olympus XZ-1 for a while now, and I’m very pleased with the camera and its f1.8 lens. Being an Aperture user and no Photoshop fan, I am however eagerly waiting for the Aperture 3 update that will include the XZ-1 amongst its supported cameras… All my RAW files are just sitting on the camera, and I can’t be bothered to use the Olympus software to handle them.
The Olympus software is no Mac-like application, but I will admit that the software has potential. Being able to apply the art filters in the post-processing is nice.

So Apple, please. An update.

I’m also a FCE (Final Cut Express) user, or rather was. Since the latest version of iMovie came out, I have opened FCE only once. Many of the iMovie features are new and not available in FCE. So I hope that the hype evolving around the SuperMeet will result not only in a new FCP (Final Cut Pro), but also in a new FCE version with some new breathtaking features :-)

Only time will show.

Printing on Flickr

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I just noticed that Flickr has launched their printing service. You (or whoever you authorise) may now order print of your photos on Flickr. That is, if you (or those you authorise) are located in the U.S. sad
One would think that Flickr would be more international than many other Internet content providers. I don’t know if their customer base in mainly U.s based, but I know that once again the extra services they now provide is U.S. only.
From their blog:

For now it is U.S. only (we know! we’re working hard on rolling it out everywhere!).

I seriously doubt that they will roll out anything here in Luxembourg as it is the case as well with the iPhoto photo printing service sad
As you may notice I am not as ecstatic as many of the others on Flickr (the U.S. inhabitants) – and I suppose they are Windows or Linux users, because the iPhoto service is largely sufficient for your printing needs.
The QOOP service looks interesting though. They ship worldwide, but will the shipping to Luxembourg not be e x o r b i t a n t?

[composed and posted with ecto]

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How do you get creative with your phonecam?

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From 43 folders:

Your mobile phone camera can be more than a fast way to send your kitty photos to Grandma Pearl. Like a lot of people, I use mine as a ubiquitous capture device, recording ephemeral information and visual documentation wherever and whenever it’s needed.

Lots of good ideas for a useful use of your camera phone, and not necessarily what you would except Smile

[composed and posted with ecto]

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How to make a Life Poster

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The Mike Matas Blog: How to make a Life Poster:

Mike has a round down on how to make a Life poster of some of your photos (that is BIG size). You need 98 photos to fill it up. I wonder if Luxembourg residents are able to find a printer to make the poster for the equivalent of the US price tag ($30)… iPhoto prints are not available for Luxembourg based Mac users from the iPhoto app Sad

[composed and posted with ecto]

iLife ’05 – iPhoto

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Just installed the iLife suite on the iBook (700 mHz). Testing the iPhoto app first as it is the one app I use the most. One crash already Sad (I know, I approaching the critical part of the system requirements…) Anyway, it looks very nice. More ways to organise your albums as you can create subfolders. Editing the title and comments to pictures is much faster and presented in a more handy way.
One big regret… The photo service is not available in Luxembourg (wasn’t before either). I don’t understand why it is not possible to get that organised in a country as small as Luxembourg! Anyway, I have tried to order a couple of small books by playing Belgian and indicating Luxembourg in the address on my Apple account. We will see how it turns out…
I suppose I won’t be testing iMovie HD on this computer. iDVD won’t even run… I need a new Mac!

Go and get your copy of iLife ’05. The improvements in iPhoto justify an upgrade!

[composed and posted with ecto]