Category Archives: Music radio a thing of the past now

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Below the announcement from


Today we’re announcing an upcoming change to the way Radio works in some parts of the world. In the United States, United Kingdom and Germany, nothing will change.

In all other countries, listening to Radio will soon require a subscription of €3.00 per month. There will be a 30 track free trial, and we hope this will convince people to subscribe and keep listening to the radio. Everything else on (scrobbling, recommendations, charts, biographies, events, videos etc.) will remain free in all countries, like it is now.

Since we streamed our first track from back in 2002, we have focused on playing the right songs to the right people, compensating artists for playing their music, and being the best music site on the web. We appreciate the support we get from the 30 million people who use every month—double the number of people since this time last year. We work with over 280,000 labels and artists, many of whom we pay directly, and have built up the largest catalogue of any web radio platform: over 7 million tracks are available on Radio stations.

In order to keep providing the best radio service on the web, we need to ask our listeners from countries other than USA, UK and Germany to subscribe for €3.00 per month. In return you’ll get unlimited access to Radio, and a promise that we’ll be hard at work improving the service for years to come.

[From Radio Announcement]


This is sad. I will just use for listing what I’m listening to and have a look at my neighbours from time to time now. It was easier just to listen to “their” radio station, but alas, a thing of the past now…

New version of

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After hearing that updated their website, I just had a look. Amazing! So much richer in content and much easier to navigate. I mean, I don’t see a difference in my client (iScrobbler), but holy-moly, the website is very sharp now. Design is nicer and everything is easier to find. In addtion to this, there are new features (at least to me as I haven’t been able to find them before :-)). Your own radio station with your music (that you add yourself). You can add music from other people on as well.

I’m looking forward to exploring the site more in the future. Well done!


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After seeing this plugin in action at the Apple Centre in De Passage, The Hague, Netherlands, I decided to give it a whirl. A bit like, only this one plugs right into iTunes as a sidebar. Very neat. Check out ilike at My profile at ilike.

Boycott Sony

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This is not looking good. I totally agree with Dan Goodin. It is a disgrace.

FromWired News: Boycott Sony:

After weeks of criticism, Sony has finally agreed to temporarily stand down on an abusive and likely illegal copy -restriction practice. Hold the applause.

On Friday, the world’s second-biggest record label pledged to temporarily stop making CDs that leave computers vulnerable to security breaches. This is a step in the right direction, but it does not go nearly far enough toward correcting a serious ethical lapse. In fact, it is proof positive that Sony is unworthy of our trust or our business.

via Writers Block Live

[composed and posted with ecto]

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iPod nano in black

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Yesterday I managed to win a golf tournament where the first prize was an iPod nano. It is truly an amazing piece of hardware. I find it almost too small Smile
So what should I get as accessories? Apart from a new screen in the near future… Do they make socks that small? I would say a Firewire cable isn’t necessary as it only take 2 GB.

[composed and posted with ecto]

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