Category Archives: A helping hand

Bloggers withour Border launched

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Jonas has launched Bloggers without Borders. From the site:

Bloggers without Borders is a citizen journalism hub, dedictated to raising consicence for, and about, events around the world. We use the tools and exposure of modern citizen journalism as a means to lend a hand in the creation of awareness and outbound information management.

So join in. You can also donate to the Tsunami relief funds via the web site.

Tsunami disaster in Asia

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It is very difficult to grasp the extent of the disaster happening in Asia right now. Yes it is still happening. The tsunami is gone but the devastation is still there…

This time of the year is when we tend to spoil each other and ourselves which is OK of course, but consider giving monetary donations to the victims in Asia. Consider any of these organisations:

Unicef: South Asia Tsunami Relief Efforts

Médécins san frontières: Tsunami Emergency Appeal

Save the Children: Asia Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Fund

[composed and posted with ecto]