All posts by jhave

A Dane living in Luxembourg mainly blogging about computers and photography...


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After seeing this plugin in action at the Apple Centre in De Passage, The Hague, Netherlands, I decided to give it a whirl. A bit like, only this one plugs right into iTunes as a sidebar. Very neat. Check out ilike at My profile at ilike.

Final Cut Express updates?

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I have a request: Apple, why not dedicate some time and web space to those of us using FCE? I didn’t see any updates to Final Cut Express and no mention as to if or when it will happen after this major update of FCP. I personally would like to have some space dedicated to us being past iMovie but not FCP gurus. I won’t invest in FCP nor FCP Studio as I’m not a film maker per se, but rather a serious hobby film maker.

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From MacBidouille: How to achieve better video resolution in Skype

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MacBidouille is a French site, so for the English speakers:

You need at least version of Skype and obviuosly a good upload speed on your connection.

Open the file “config.xml” in ~/Library/Application Support/Skype/yourskypename/

<Device>Built-in iSight</Device>

<Device>Built-in iSight</Device>

That’s it. I haven’t tried this, but let me know of your experiences.

Augmenter la résolution des vidéos de Skype:

Merci à Baptiste d’avoir attiré notre attention sur une note des développeurs de Skype expliquant comment utiliser la pleine résolution des iSight (640×480) sur le logiciel initialement verrouillé en 320*240.

Pour commencer, il faut au moins avoir la version

Allez ensuite éditer le fichier “config.xml” qui se trouve dans ~/Bibliothèque/Application Support/Skype/votrenomskype/

Remplacez ensuite le champ:


<Device>Built-in iSight</Device>






<Device>Built-in iSight</Device>


Sauvegardez et relancez l’application pour en profiter. Il faut bien entendu avoir une connexion Internet assez rapide en voie montante (upload) pour que votre vis à vis bénéficie au mieux de votre image en résolution supérieure.

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