Eric Paulos of Intel Research has launched an SMS system for mobile phone users in the US to learn about the quality of the air around them. Called Ergo, the system uses data from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s site and
via Boing-Boing
I would like to see something similar in Europe. Even more interesting would be something to pick up the pollen levels etc…
All posts by jhave
Plazer updated
Testing flickrslidr
Final Cut Express updates?
I have a request: Apple, why not dedicate some time and web space to those of us using FCE? I didn’t see any updates to Final Cut Express and no mention as to if or when it will happen after this major update of FCP. I personally would like to have some space dedicated to us being past iMovie but not FCP gurus. I won’t invest in FCP nor FCP Studio as I’m not a film maker per se, but rather a serious hobby film maker.
Technorati Tags: fce, finalcutexpress
Joy of Tech has the inside story on the delay of Leopard…
Savour the moment or shave a yak
Joi is sharing his thoughts on meditation and the problem not to stop and think about what you just did… Good read.
Microsoft Celebrates Sale of 100th Zune
Microsoft records another milestone
CARS: “According to a press release issued by the company today, its 100th Zune was sold to 13-year-old Dieter Ebersbacher in Shreveport, Illinois, and is a sign of its success in the marketplace.”
via Ranchero
[composed and posted with ecto]
Technorati Tags: microsoft, music
From MacBidouille: How to achieve better video resolution in Skype
MacBidouille is a French site, so for the English speakers:
You need at least version of Skype and obviuosly a good upload speed on your connection.
Open the file “config.xml” in ~/Library/Application Support/Skype/yourskypename/
<Device>Built-in iSight</Device>
<Device>Built-in iSight</Device>
That’s it. I haven’t tried this, but let me know of your experiences.
Augmenter la résolution des vidéos de Skype:
Merci à Baptiste d’avoir attiré notre attention sur une note des développeurs de Skype expliquant comment utiliser la pleine résolution des iSight (640×480) sur le logiciel initialement verrouillé en 320*240.
Pour commencer, il faut au moins avoir la version
Allez ensuite éditer le fichier “config.xml” qui se trouve dans ~/Bibliothèque/Application Support/Skype/votrenomskype/
Remplacez ensuite le champ:
<Device>Built-in iSight</Device>
<Device>Built-in iSight</Device>
Sauvegardez et relancez l’application pour en profiter. Il faut bien entendu avoir une connexion Internet assez rapide en voie montante (upload) pour que votre vis à vis bénéficie au mieux de votre image en résolution supérieure.
Technorati Tags: mac, skype, videochat