Just received the news. Vox will have a launch party going on at their shop in Luxembourg City.
140 iPhones up for grabs. So youngsters, line up tonight if you want to be one of the first. No word on the data plan matrix yet, but I hope for Vox that it will be an attractive one. Otherwise I will stay on the fence for the time being, as I’m not a client.
From their e-mail:
140 additional iPhone3G’s are in stock !
In addition to the ones we blocked for the first 10 people, we have an extra stock of 140 phones that can be purchased during our launch party. As the demand is very high, we suggest you to be there on time to be sure to buy one on that evening.Where and When ?
We welcome you as of 4 pm at our VOX shop in Luxembourg City, 1-5 rue Marché-aux-Herbes. Doors will be open from 6.00 pm til 9.00 pm.Please bring your identity card and bank details with you.
We wish you a lot of fun during our launch party!
I won’t be joining the frenzy, but have fun
As the commercial launch of the iPhone is scheduled for tomorrow evening in our VOXShop Luxembourg City, please note that following price strategy has been fixed for the national official release.
1. iPhone3G All Inclusive 35 with 35? per month subscription, 180 voice or SMS units to every national number fix or mobile except premium, 1GB national Data and unlimited WiFi on VOXspot
2. iPhone3G All Inclusive 50 50? per month subscription, Flat voice and SMS like above, Flat Data national and Flat WiFi usage on VOXspot
For the 35 euro Formula, the price of the device is as followed: 8GB iPhone 224 Euro and 16GB iPhone 314?
For the 50 euro Formula, the price of the device is as followed: 8GB iPhone 124 Euro and 16GB iPhone 214?.
Price Statement sent to me.
Thanks trefex. Well, I’m tempted to switch, but I can’t make tomorrow night.
You’re welcome.
Btw there should be several hundred units available in all 10 Vox shops starting Saturday. Including official Apple reseller stores…
I think I gonna get myself one for 35 €. I’m not sure yet though 😀