iPhone finally coming to Luxembourg?

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The keynote of WWDC on 9 June is approaching rapidly and Steve will be doing it himself. This indicates that more than just standard news will be announced.

As for the , we are seeing announcements from several providers that they are going to offer the is this and that and these countries “some time this year”. Whether or not this will be a 3G version, with or without GPS etc. is still unclear. This will undoubtedly be much clearer after Steve’s keynote on the 9th.

As no news have been announced regarding , I fear that won’t have an “official” provider in the near future… All the neighbouring countries (Germany (O2), France (Orange) and Belgium (Mobistar as part of Orange) have or will have it this year. It doesn’t make sense that Luxembourg is not included this time around. Are LuxGSM, Vox and Tango to cheese-paring to pay the price asked by ?

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