I’m just curious: If I live in Canada and have a credit card account in the US, I can use that account to buy music in the US… What if I live in Luxembourg, have a credit card account there, but also an account in let us say France. Would I then have the opportunity to buy in iTMS with the two credit cards keeping two accounts but having one playlist containing my “Purchased Music”???
Yes, I can confirm that the store is operational and it works perfect! The selection is not fantastic. If you want the latest from the Billboard charts, you will be disappointed. As I’m not the typical Luxembourger, I can say if the local artists are well represented. Being a Dane, I’m of course disappointed to hear that Denmark didn’t get a store this time around. The selection of Danish artists is very poor in the Luxembourgish store anyway. I don’t know if the deal is to have all music available in all stores… I imagine not. Already making a search requires a certain certitude about what you are looking for. Otherwise you get a high number of hits. Here’s a list of my first purchases Fly Me To The Moon from the album “C’est Si Bon” by Louis Armstrong
Think Secret says the the iTunes Music Store should have an October 26th rollout into several European countries, as well as Australia and other venues. Various MacRumors readers report that the iTMS is currently unavailable for browsing from their countries today, suggesting the localizations for them may be just around the corner. Those reports include Switzerland, Austria, Ireland, and Canada, with users being greeted with a new message stating “iTMS is not available in your country yet.”
[Update] – Additional countries as reported by MacRumors.com readers
New Zealand
If this is indeed the case, Luxembourg is once again not in the game I have the message “iTMS is not available in your country yet.” but have no problems surfing the four existing stores after I click on the OK button. No change here.
As with the Apple Store, the customers living in Luxembourg are not able to buy directly from Apple. The iTMS will not be accessible from Luxembourg either I suppose… One should consider a bank account in a neighbour country…
Folks. Ask your tailor and he will tell you that most people have a bulge right here when they wear a suit. A tailor can make it go away, but it is like that when no adjustments has been made.
Via Matt’s blog I became aware of Snowdeal’s story. I don’t know if I would have been able to “document” the situation with photos and blog entries…
Suffice to say that we think of them and wish the best for Eric IV.
Dooce has an interesting piece on what to call your vagina and/or penis if you don’t want to use those two words… People threw in their opinion as well…
from Zeldman who by the way had a daughter. Congratulations!
Marie has listed her son’s point of view with regard to the the priorities and facts of life… I must say that we adults should stop and take a child’s perspective from time to time. It really makes you think…