According to Maccentral Apple launch more iTM Stores in Europe in October. Since they operate out of Luxembourg please make it available here!!!
According to Maccentral Apple launch more iTM Stores in Europe in October. Since they operate out of Luxembourg please make it available here!!!
From engadget.com:
Admit it, even though you know it’s totally bogus and totally crass, you’ve been dying to actually hear what that breast-englarging ringtone they’ve been selling in Japan sounds like, right? Well, we got Gareth, our Tokyo correspondent, to download it to his phone and make copy of it for us, which we’re making available to you as an MP3 (for educational purposes, of course). If you can’t be bothered to download it (or don’t want to take the risk of the ringtone actually having its advertised effect), we can tell you it sounds mainly like Yngwie Malmsteen playing a guitar solo, which for some reason makes perfect sense. Now if you’ll excuse us, we’ve been blasting this all morning and must now run out to get our first training bras. Download the ringtone
What is the world coming to?
Check out Kirkville! It looks very promising. Kirkville – Musings, Opinion and Miscellanea by Kirk McElhearn:
Welcome to Kirkville!
Welcome, oh wanderer of the web, to Kirkville, my new blog and website. Have a look around – you’ll find articles, news and opinions on Apple computers, Mac OS X, the iPod, using the command line, books, music and much more.
I have been reading Kirk’s articles in Tidbits and they have always been very informative and useful. Hopefully Kirkville will become a point of reference for more Mac News
Good news for the Lego fans on Mac OSX:
Lego Robolab For Mac OS X Slated For October:
Anonymous Coward writes “I’ve just received the following email from pitsco :
“The upgrade disk for RoboLab 2.5.4 will begin shipping by the end of the
month. The cost is $35.00 plus $6.00 shipping.”
Robolab for OS X was initialy supposed to be announced at the end of June ’04”
Adriaan has posted a User guide on ecto 2 in the ecto support forum with a description of the new features in ecto 2. Given that the update was major and modified quite a few things, it was needed. I look forward to explore this. ecto simply is the best blogging app for Mac!
I’ve had my Flickr account for a while now, but haven’t really used it yet. Maybe it’s me, by the moblogging at Typepad doesn’t really work for me. So I will be using the Flickr from now on. I have downloaded the Uploadr for Mac OSX, although I probably will use it mostly with my phone. As you can see, I’ve put the badge on the blog to the right as well
Update: Flickr is not reliable at the moment, so I deleted the link to the right for now. Could be a week-end thing
According to Macbidouille www.free.fr will open their access to 10 Mbs down and 800 kbs up… Not bad. This is of course only in theory, as it depends on the distance from the central. Obtaining these speeds makes you wonder if you shouldn’t upgrade your 802.11b network… Hmmm. I got my Airport Express but I have and old Snow base station… An update is be imminent …. when it comes to Luxembourg. Currently we are been promised up to 3 Mbs by the 15 September 2004 (the most expensive option). I will get 2 Mbs which shouldn’t bomb the current 802.11b network in my house.
Further reading at MacBidouille.com [site in French]