I went to see an Apple store for the first time. It was the Apple store in Legacy Village, Lyndhurst near Cleveland, OH. Fantastic! Loads of cool stuff and no hassle trying to find out whether or not it would work on my Mac! Cool eMacs sitting around for the kids to play with. Loaded with several games and all were working of course!
I bought Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Clifford (a dog) as well as the Finding Nemo game for my son. Obviously he tried them out first!
I got a memory upgrade – I know, not the cheapest place to get that, but compared to Europe it was fine. The iBook has 640 RAM now. I got a Kensington power adapter as well. Will work on an airplane, in the car or as a second power adapter. $99. Great!
I was impressed by the number of different setups with PowerBooks, iBooks, G5’s and eMacs. Lots of cool loudspeakers. Staff was friendly and helpful as well. Get some stores to Europe as well please!!! Please!